Friday, January 23, 2009

Hamlet’s Sanity: not there

Hamlet is a hard character to tell what he is truly thinking though out the play because he is trying to mislead the king and the rest of the court. I believe that he starts out acting insane but that the acting started to turn real and that there are parts of the play where I truly do question Hamlet's sanity. One of the major parts where he gives into his madness and grief is in the queen's chambers. He doesn't think what he is doing through and acts very impulsively. Then at the end when he thinks that he sees his father I am not so sure that that wasn't just a figment of Hamlets’ imagination. I believe that the original apparition was real and that the king truly did kill Hamlet’s father but then Hamlet goes and takes it to a whole new level and goes mad. I’m kookoo for coco puffs kookoo.

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